Au o te mokopuna: Through the eyes of our children

Build A World Of Play Challenge
Starship Foundation

Prioritizing Indigenous knowledge to disestablish the barriers of racism, colonialism, and biomedical privilege will transform child health into an equitable, world-class mokopuna-focused, whanau-focused, whānau-led system.

Last Updated: April 2024

Executive Summary

In New Zealand, health inequities for Māori (Indigenous peoples of New Zealand) children are not random and exist because of the perpetual impacts of colonization, including structural and institutional racism. Māori children suffer significantly higher hospitalization rates, poorer health outcomes, and twice the avoidable mortality rates of non-Māori children. Starship, New Zealand’s National Children's Hospital, asserts that inequities in child health are preventable, unnecessary, costly, and breach human rights.

Starship has been devoid of Māori leadership before 2021. Now six visionary Māori leaders have set Starship’s strategic direction towards transforming the current child health structures and systems by ensuring an equitable mokopuna(child)-centric, whānau(family)-focused system founded on mātauranga Māori (indigenous knowledge systems) and āo tapere (world of play).

Through the creation of an indigenous pediatric research center, a new service model will be developed and trialed within a clinical setting. The final goal is building a new hospital that enables flourishing mokopuna.

Organization Details
Lead Organization

Starship Foundation

Organization Headquarters
New Zealand
Organization ID
Number of Full-time Employees
Annual Operating Budget
$100.1 to 250 Million

Charity, fund, non-governmental organization, religious institution, school, or other entity

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